TV Streaming, Remote Parenting & The Loss of Childhood
I, Ashley DeLeon, the creator and copyright holder of the web documentary titled "The Third Parent– TV Streaming, Remote Parenting & The Loss of Childhood," hereby recognize and acknowledge the importance of academic freedom and the dissemination of knowledge in the spirit of education and scholarship. In consideration of these principles, I hereby grant the following rights and permissions:
1. Educational and Research Use: Users, including educators, students, and researchers, are granted the right to use, reproduce, and distribute this web documentary for non-commercial, educational, and research purposes. This includes classroom presentations, academic research, and related scholarly activities.
2. Modification for Educational Purposes: Users are permitted to make reasonable modifications, adaptations, or translations of this web documentary solely for the purpose of enhancing its educational value, provided that proper attribution to the original work is maintained.
3. Attribution Requirement: Users utilizing this web documentary for educational, research, or scholarly purposes are required to provide clear and appropriate attribution to the original creator, Ashley DeLeon, and acknowledge the source of the work.
4. Non-commercial Use: This web documentary may not be used for commercial purposes, including but not limited to profit-making activities, without the explicit written consent of the copyright holder, Ashley DeLeon.
5. Derivative Works: Any derivative works or adaptations of this web documentary that are created with the intention of commercial exploitation or outside the scope of academic or educational purposes shall require separate negotiations and permissions from the copyright holder.
6. Public Availability: This web documentary shall remain publicly accessible and free of charge for educational and research purposes, in accordance with the principles of academic freedom.
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This academic freedom clause is intended to support the mission of academic institutions and promote the free exchange of ideas and knowledge. It is my hope that this web documentary contributes to the advancement of education and research.
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